Finding My Spark & Keeping It

Finding My Spark & Keeping It

Life is made up of a series of everyday choices we make, and each one has an everlasting impact on our lives, and the lives of everyone and everything around us. I am so eternally grateful for my eldest son, who called every day to ask me how I was, to check in on me. Most times, all I had to say was negative for all I saw was how bad I was, and I wanted to blame the world for my darkness. So when he lovingly would ask “how was your day” my response was mostly a long list of complaints. I truly do not know how he endured these hopeless conversations without wanting to just hang up on me and never call again. His Love was my life raft. His call was a moment where I knew I was thought of and cared for. His call was a ray of hope, a spark of light.